Sunday, November 21, 2010

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1: C

"Deathly hollows" harry potter tattoo '10

We joined the masses and saw Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 on Friday night. I admit that I'm not a huge Harry Potter fan. I've never read the books and have only reluctantly seen the prior movies (out of sequence). I can see their appeal and have enjoyed some of the movies, but haven't really followed the overall character arcs or story. Besides a vaguely recollection that the headmaster wizard died, I don't remember any specifics of the prior Potter movie.

Deathly Hallows is definitely not a stand alone movie. It reminded me of a TV series grand finale the way it brought back characters from prior movies. For a seventh movie, it's unfair to consider a movie outside of its franchise. But even within the franchise, Deathly Hallows is one of the weaker Potter movies. It's only been two days since seeing it, but I can't recall anything that stands out as particularly interesting -- which is sad impression for a fantasy movie to have.

What I mainly recall was how the magic premise didn't make sense to me and sounded more like Star Trek techno-babble. The magic in this movie is much less awe-inspiring. For example, the magic wands became mere handguns leading to mundane action movie shootouts. I guess for the first part of the finale, they really didn't need to introduce the magic, but it seems this movie was far less magical and more about wrapping-up loose ends and building-up to the series' end.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

train disaster move weekend

I ended up watching two train disaster movies this weekend:

Disaster On The Coastliner Unstoppable poster (French version)

I was sick on the couch watching bad daytime weekend television (which is somehow worse than daytime weekday television) and ended-up watching the 1979 TV movie Disaster on the Coastliner. The steady, predictable pacing of a 1970s disaster movie was all I could handle with my head cold. Then today, since I felt better, we went to Unstoppable. Oddly enough, both movies feature former Capt. Kirks heroically saving the day.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Red: B

RED, originally uploaded by dodobear1020.

Last weekend, Scott, ma, and I saw Red. We all left the theater with the same review, "That was cute." It was an enjoyable movie: simple story, good pace, with funny moments and a large all-star cast.