Tuesday, January 23, 2007

stupid Portland drivers known internationally

By internet standards, this is old forgotten news already. However, clips of the scene just a few blocks from my place last week have finally made it to YouTube. The video clip is now known internationally. Even my sister's former boyfriend called from Germany to ask her about it.

There is no defense for these drivers. What's not very clear from the overhead perspective of the clip is that this is a very steep hill. Even on wet days, I get a little nervous about driving up that hill -- especially at the four-way stop featured in the clip. I assume that most of these drivers are residents of the pricey hilly neighborhood who couldn't be bothered with hiking to the nearest bus stop like the rest of the city.

BTW, the Volvo SUV driver at the beginning of the clip is 79-year-old Broughton Bishop. He only suffered a gash to the head and was able to get to his family's business. Not surprisingly, he has declined interviews about the incident. (KGW.com)

HYPOCRISY DISCLAIMER: I should admit that I've committed my own stupid driving errors including, but not limited to, hydroplaning on I-5 and spinning out of control on a busy, leaf-covered street with my sister (at least I got her to pray, "Oh God, oh God, oh God!") -- slighty excessive speed being a factor in both incidents. Fortunately, these near-catastrophic accidents were miraculously without collision or video evidence.

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