Wednesday, February 7, 2007

One Punk Under God: Ep 1-4


I watched the first four episodes of the six episode documentary One Punk Under God on iTunes last night. The show follows Jay Bakker, the "prodigal" son of the infamous Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker. He started an alternative church, Revolution, that meets in a bar.

So far Jay has re-visited Heritage USA, the site of his childhood and his parents' demise; his mother, who is in the last stages of cancer; and his father, who has started a new TV show and family in Branson. He also visited a gay church and boldly proclaimed his support of gay rights which has cost his church to lose its financial backing.

I first became interested in Jay Bakker after seeing The Eyes of Tammy Faye (, which was produced by the same producers of One Punk, World of Wonder. Jay impressed me in 2005 when he was disinvited to speak at an Exodus conference after stating his he disagreed with anti-gay theology.

I look forward to watching the two remaining episodes I downloaded.

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