Sunday, June 10, 2007

waterfront during Rose Festival

Tall Sailing Ships, originally uploaded by sweber4507.

The Hawaiian Chieftain and Lady Washington from the Grays Harbor Historical Seaport Authority engage in a mock sea battle on the Willamette River between the Ross Island (background) and Hawthorne bridges.

Picture 363 copy.jpg, originally uploaded by sweber4507.

On Friday night, Scott I walked the Vera Katz Esplanade-Tom McCall Waterfront Park loop around the Willamette River. I thought it would be fun to see all the navy ships docked for Rose Festival.

With all of the boat activity and festival noise, I was surprised to see so much wildlife on the river. A gaggle of geese floated along the river and approached a Coast Guard patrol boat that was guarding the navy ships. We also watched a pair of beavers swim along the river. (Unfortunately, it was dusk and Scott couldn't get a picture.)

In addition to the above pictures, I'll post some other pictures Scott took as he uploads them (hint, hint).

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